BioPryn Blood Pregnancy Testing
Test is ran off whole blood or serum.
Ran Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with results ready on the next day after 12 p.m.
Subject to change due to Holidays, weather. and unforeseen circumstances.
Bovine | $3.00
Bison | $5.00
Sheep & Goat | $3.50

WHAT IS BIOPRYN? BioPRYN is a preferred means of pregnancy detection in cattle.
Accurate results 28 days post-breeding for cattle or 40 days post breeding for bison and 73 days post calving. 30 days post-breeding for goats and sheep.
Convenient and versatile, allowing you to schedule pregnancy testing when it fits for you.
Cost-effective and easier way to check for pregnancy than ultrasound or rectal palpation.
Non-invasive and embryo safe, reducing the risk of damaging a pregnancy and causing embryo loss.
Provides flexibility in scheduling pregnancy testing dates
Fits within synchronized breeding protocol
Accurate results 28 days post-breeding
Safe for embryo
Over 97% Accurate! PREGNANT COWS: 95% correctly designated. False positive tests occur due to early embryonic death. Even though the embryo has died, some residual pregnancy protein may still be in the cow’s system. OPEN COWS: 99% – 100% correct when a cow is designated as open. Extremely accurate detection of non-pregnant, open cows. Re-enroll these cows in synchronization programs with confidence!